An Immersive Experience Into Rest
A life changing mini power course with Liz Wright
Now available for you!
Some of the keys you will receive!
Get free from fear-driven stress and anxiety
Let go of performance-based living
No longer striving to be accepted and loved
Living secure in Christ
No longer afraid of lack
Fully trusting God in every area
Surrendering to the headship of Jesus
Sitting in the internal seat of rest
“I found this immersion totally empowered me to give it all to Jesus because I knew he wanted to take it so I could be free! The permission to give it to Him is so necessary to hear! Thank you Liz!”
“Wow. Our call today was life changing, to say the least. I’m still in awe. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 I’m so thankful to be a part of this group and what you moving in Liz Wright. Thank you thank you thank you!”
“A immersive experience into rest was so powerful today. For the first 3/4 of I was really experiencing the gentleness and peace of the Lord. I started to wonder if I was doing something wrong because it was different than last week . Then in the last part Jesus came in powerfully and touched me in such a way that I actually shook quite intensely . Last time I shook by His power was 3-4 years ago and it wasn’t that intense. It’s like he shook all that stuff we were letting go of right out of me . Thank you so much Liz Wright and the team! And thank you Jesus for your wonderful confident place of rest. ”