What's Included...

  • Q&A audio

    Life changing Q&A audios where Liz answers vitally important questions about doing relationships God's way

  • Video sessions

    2 hour long teaching and activation sessions where Liz shares wisdom keys for healthy relationships.

Do you want to be secure and confident in how you’re showing up in your relationships and reflecting the heart of God to all those around you?

This course is for every relationship and any relational dynamic you experience! If you are ready for a deep dive on the divine values of the culture of Heaven and how God designed us to connect with each other, enrol today!


Here are some of the questions Liz answers!

  • What is the simplest way to resolve conflict?

  • How do I overcome bitterness, resentment and offense?

  • How do I get free from the fear of rejection?

  • What do I do if someone is trying to control or manipulate me?

Heaven is on assignment to break the power of division.

There has been such an attack coming from the realm of darkness on our relationships. It is so in the Lord’s heart that the spirit of accusation would be broken and that we would rise up in love towards each other!


  • Can I give this as a gift?

    Yes! Add to your cart and at the checkout tick the box next to 'this is a gift'. You will then be able to enter the details of the recipient and they will be emailed their gift and how to access the e-courses.

  • Can I download the audios?

    Yes. You can download them or listen online.

  • Does my access to this course expire?

    No! Learning is self paced and you can go through this course as many times as you like.


Liz Wright

Liz’s life changed forever in 1995 through a physical visitation from Jesus Christ. This transformative experience gave her an insatiable hunger to live constantly connected to God’s presence. Liz is host of the Charisma podcast show Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright, host of the TV show Encountering God with Liz Wright, and is the Founder and Director of the International Mentoring Community. Liz has authored several books and is an international speaker.